Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Devotion Time - Day 22

Hi there! We've been busy having birthday celebrations in this house today for my amazing husband! So I'm sorry to post this so late in the day again. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! Enjoy!

Day 22

Matthew 26:17-29, Mark 14:12-25, Luke 22:7-19, John 13-14
“The last supper” p. 442 in The Beginner’s Bible

Treasure Hunt Resources: Things needed to cook a Passover meal for the family and “The first Easter” puzzle book.

Beginning Activity/Chat: Once the treasure has been found look at all the cooking things needed to make a Passover meal for the family and talk about how in the last few days before Jesus died he had a very important last meal with his special friends, his disciples. At this dinner he told his friends what was going to happen to him and explained why it had to happen, so that they would understand and not be afraid.

Read “The last supper” in The Beginners Bible pg. 442 or The Jesus Storybook Bible pg. 292 to help the kids understand what happened and to give them some understanding of the significance of sharing a family Passover meal.

Cook and share a Passover meal together as a family. While the kids are waiting for it to cook read and do the puzzles in the book from the treasure hunt and put the stickers in the next section of the Easter sticker book.

1.        What did Jesus do with his special friends? (He had a meal with them called the Passover meal)
2.        What did Jesus tell his disciples during the dinner? (That he was going to die so we could be rescued and not to be afraid.) The Jesus Storybook has a great and very clear explanation for kids of this!

Thank you Lord Jesus, that you came to earth to die for us so that we could be rescued. Thank you for taking the punishment for all the wrong things we do. Please help us to always trust in you and live our lives praising you. Amen.

Memory Verse Activities:
Continue to practice the song/actions.

If you’d like you could hide pieces of paper with the words/sections of the verse under the plates, inside a bread roll..... and as a family “find” your words and see if you can put them back together in order again as you eat!

Written and Compiled by Kate McIntosh, April 2012.

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