Friday, 6 April 2012

Devotion Time - Day 25

Hello there! I trust you are having a great day remembering with your families the amazing sacrifice Jesus has made on our behalf. 
As we are living in a little country town we didn't have a church service today (the ministry team were doing services in the nursing homes and at other branches of our church), instead we had a Passover meal at church last night which was followed by a service together. It was lovely to sit and share the experience with all of our church family. However all of our boys were so tired, being the last day of the school term, and we didn't last long in the service before we had to come home so they could go to sleep. Poor Sam was trying to sleep on the pew behind us, but when he crawled onto my lap asking when he could go home to sleep in a real bed, I knew we needed to go. Poor little guy!

Enjoy this devotion! May God richly bless all of your families over this special Easter weekend! xo

Day 25

Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-10, Luke 24:1-11, John 20:1-18
“Jesus is Risen!” p. 453 in The Beginner’s Bible or “God’s wonderful surprise” p. 310 in The Jesus Story Book Bible.

Treasure Hunt Resources: Hollow Easter eggs and a two baskets

Beginning Activities/ Chat: To begin with today check the Resurrection Cookies from yesterday and have a bite/break open. They should be hollow and be a perfect lead in to talking about how Jesus did not stay dead, but has risen, and that the tomb was empty, just like our cookies and Easter eggs!

In today’s true story from the bible we are going to hear some super exciting news......

The Beginner’s Bible p. 453 or The Jesus Storybook Bible, p.310

1.        Why were Jesus’ friends sad at the beginning of the story? (Because they thought their good friend Jesus had died and they were missing him.)
2.        What did Mary Magdalene and the other women find when they went to Jesus’ tomb? (It was open and empty! )
3.        Who appeared to them? (An angel)
4.        What did he tell Mary and her friends? (That Jesus wasn’t there...he was ALIVE again!)
5.        How did Mary and Jesus’ friends feel? (Amazed and VERY excited! So happy!)

Don’t forget that you could finish off today’s stickers in the sticker book too! You can also roll away the stone in front of your tomb in the resurrection garden you made the other day too!

When finished the day’s devotion, use some of the Easter Eggs and the basket to put together a sharing basket – a basket to be given to another family who might be in need or who are good friends and could be blessed by it as well as one for your own family to share!

You are alive again Lord Jesus! That is such good news! Thank you for loving us so much that you would die for us. Thank you that you still love us today and that you are always with us wherever we go. Please help us to always believe and trust in you. Amen.

Memory Verse Activities:
Continue practicing the song/actions.

You could make together an empty tomb piece of craft such as this. Maybe you could write the memory verse along the top of the tomb or as a flag to stick in your tomb, or hidden behind the stone so you see it when you roll it away!

Written and Compiled by Kate McIntosh, April 2012

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