Good Morning!! Here is the last devotion for Easter. I wonder whether God has allowed it to be helpful to other families in their walk to know, love and understand Jesus better this Easter? I sure hope and pray so!! This devotion brings it all together with the promise of Jesus' return one day and the story of His work in our lives that is still to be continued!! Praise God!!
Day 29
Revelation 1, 5, 21, 22
“A dream of heaven” p. 342 in The Jesus Story Book Bible
Treasure Hunt Resources: Photos of the kid’s favourite cake, toys, anything precious that they would love to receive as a gift! You will also need the actual object as well for later on!
Beginning Activity/ Chat: Explain to the kids that they are going to help do the treasure hunt today! One at a time they will take turns to hide something or someone (the kids themselves could also hide!) somewhere in the room or even somewhere in the house that we are currently in. Each time something/someone is hidden talk to the kids and make the point that even though they can’t be seen they are still with us in the same room or house, just like Jesus is always with us even though we can’t actually see him.
After they have all had a turn tell the kids that there actually is another treasure hiding for them all. Once they have found the envelopes with the pictures of their favourite gifts, talk about how the things in the photos are so special to us. Ask the kids how they would feel if they could only eve look at the picture, but never actually have their special item? How would they feel if they knew that sometime soon they could have this special thing for themselves?
In today’s true story from the bible we will hear that not only does Jesus promise that he is always with us wherever we are, but he also has promised that he will come back to earth again one day and take us home to heaven to be with him. So just like we feel really excited to be able to have our special thing sometime soon, we can also be so excited and know for sure that one day Jesus has promised to come and take us home to heaven to be with him forever! Hooray!
Read “A dream of heaven” p. 342 in The Jesus Story Book Bible or “Jesus is coming!” in The Beginner’s Bible p. 504
did God tell and show to John in his vision? (God sitting on a throne and
everything bad on earth had come to an end. From the Storybook bible - Lots of
laughing and cheering like a big party, an amazing city, God’s children all
together again and Satan defeated!)
there be any more death, sadness, crying or pain in heaven? (No! It will be a
happy and joyful and amazing place where
all God’s people will be together with Him!))
Jesus promised to come back again one day? (Yes!)
Thank you, thank you King Jesus that you have promised to come back to earth again one day. Thank you that you came to die for us, so that we can be your friends again, and that if we believe and trust in you will be able to go and live with you in Heaven, such an amazing and wonderful place! Thank you that we can trust in your promises! Amen.
Memory Verse Activities:
For the final time practice singing the memory verse together! You could have a sing/dance off completion if your kids like that sort of thing, or perform it for the neighbours or other family members! They might like the chance to make a video clip of them singing it too!
It could be good to ask the children one last time to explain what they think this verse means for them. Just to check their understanding and that they have begun to grasp it personally for themselves.
You could ask them to choose their favourite memory verse activity we have done and do it again together.
Now might also be a really good time to look at the children’s version of “Two ways to live”. It is available to view for free online or you can purchase copies also. It is a really effective revision of all we have been learning over this Easter period. You might be able to think of some craft activities your children might enjoy based on the pictures, or even see if they can copy and draw their own and learn to talk through each step! Here is the link to the online version!
Written and Compiled by Kate McIntosh, April 2012.
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