Tuesday 10 April 2012

Final words.....!

If you have joined in on this journey...thank you! I really hope and pray that it has been helpful. If you have the inclination to let me know how it has worked for your family I would love to hear from you, even with suggestions of improvements! You can email me at tkemac(at)gmail(dot)com

I have also written similar devotions to be used in the countdown to Christmas, so if you enjoyed these, check back later in the year to see the Christmas ones! I will definitely start posting them earlier to allow more time for getting resources organised! 

I am also nearly finished writing a years program for our TinyTots Sunday School class at church. They are the 2-4 year olds! The first two terms follow a similar path to these devotions - discovering who Jesus is and what He has done for us and Terms 3 & 4 look at the bigger picture of the bible and why we needed a Saviour and who that Saviour was going to be - thus looking at the Christmas story! I was inspired by the Jesse Tree style for term 3 & 4! So if that is of any interest to you and your church please let me know. I'm happy to share it!!

May God continue to bless your families as you journey together in teaching your precious little ones about Jesus and guiding them in their faith journey! 
Kate xo

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